Reboot Script

I wrote this script to automate the rebooting of access points in an enterprise deployment. I make it available here under the GPLv3+.


# Copyright 2022 Soren Stoutner <>.
# This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this script.  If not, see <>.

# This script processes a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file named `reboot.csv` located
# in the same directory as the script.  The CSV file should have three columns with no
# headers.  The first column is the day of the week as defined below.  The second
# column is the IP address of the target device.  The third column is the password of
# the target device.  It is assumed that the SSH username is root.

# Sun = Sunday
# Mon = Monday
# Tue = Tuesday
# Wed = Wednesday
# Thu = Thursday
# Fri = Friday
# Sat = Saturday

# An example CSV file will look like the following:
# Mon,,Passw0rd
# Fri,,N0Acc3ss

# You can have the script reboot all devices in the CSV regardless of the day by
# using the following syntax:  `/path/to/script -a`.

# The script requires `sshpass`.  On Debain-based systems, sshpass can be installed by
# running `apt install sshpass`.

# The script must be excutable.  After copying the script to the desired location,
# you can set it to be executable by running `chmod 755 /path/to/script`.

# This script can be automated by adding an entry to /etc/crontab.  For example,
# the following entry will run the script every day at 1:00 AM.
# 0 1 * * * root /path/to/script

# Note that the `read` function of this script assumes that the last line of the file
# ends in a newline before the EOF (End Of File) character.  This is the default file
# format on all operating systems.  If, in some way, you have managed to create a CSV
# file that does not have a newline character at the end of the last line then the
# final line will not be processed.  In my testing I have not been able to create a
# CSV file that does not have a newline character before the EOF, so this shouldn't
# be an easy pitfall to fall into.

# Get the options.
while getopts :a options
  case $options in
    # Set the `do_all` varible if specified.
    a) do_all=true;;

# Get the current day.
current_day=$(date +%a)

# Use `,` as the field separator so that a CSV file can be used as the input.

# Process the CSV file named `reboot.csv`.
while read -r day ip_address password
  # Reboot the access point if the specified day is the current day or if `do_all` has been set.
  if [[ ($day == $current_day) ||  (-v do_all) ]]
    # Inform the user.
    printf "Attempting to reboot $ip_address.\n"

    # SSH to the access point and reboot it.
    sshpass -p $password ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -l root $ip_address "reboot"
done < reboot.csv

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